A wedding ring is a luxury piece that millions wear daily all over the world. It symbolises their love for their spouse and their commitment in marriage. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to most, wearing a wedding ring can cause serious injury, with the worst case being de-gloving. De-gloving is the action of the wedding ring catching on something, usually on machinery such as at the gym or in the workplace. It forcefully gets pulled, stripping away skin on the finger, soft tissue and bone. If not treated properly, de-gloving can have lifelong consequences and cause permanent damage to the ligament.
How Common is Wedding Ring De-gloving?
De-gloving from rings, specifically wedding rings is not extremely common, however, wearing rings during physical activities does pose a risk. During activities such as operating machinery, manual labour or lifting weights at the gym, it is important to remove all jewellery to prevent serious injury.
image source: lafabriqueverticale.com
What are common settings for this to happen?
- Industrial Settings: In workplaces where you are operating machinery, for example factories, construction sights etc., this would fall under Workplace Injury.
- Sports and Physical Activities: All physical activity such as rock climbing, going to the gym, or any sport. This type of scenario would fall under Personal Injury.
- Automotive Accidents: During car or motorcycle accidents, rings can catch on objects inside the car or the de-gloving can occur during the collision. This would be a Motor Vehicle Accident and would go through TAC.
- Household Accidents: Rings getting caught in door handles, cabinets or other objects around the house is the most common form of injury.
- Medical Settings: If the injury resulted from negligence or improper care in a healthcare setting, it could potentially be a medical malpractice claim against the healthcare provider or facility.
Each type of claim and situation is different. Specific criteria and processes are involved so it’s important to always consult with a personal injury lawyer.

image source: habbaspilaw.com
How would it be assessed?
An assessment is conducted by a Plastic Surgeon and/or an Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialises in hands.
- History Assessment and Medical Records Review: The doctor will collect all of the patient’s clinical data from prior to the incidents occurrence. The history assessment also entails a comprehensive review of the events that led to the de-gloving and all previous and existing medical records of the client.
- Physical Examination: This stage involves assessing the tissue loss, bone or tendon damage, and any sign of infection. A functionality test will also take place, involving tests of grip strength, range of motion, etc.
- Medicolegal Report Writing: The medicolegal report will be written by the examining doctor, detailing all facts of the situation.
While wedding rings hold sentimental value and are meaningful symbols of love, they may also present risks, particularly in environments where accidents are likely to occur. Awareness and acceptance of the potential implications involved with wearing rings, specifically wedding rings is important. In case of an emergency, knowing what to do and early medical intervention is vital. It can make a big impact on the severity of the injury.
Stay safe, be mindful of your surroundings, and always prioritise your health and well-being.